Monday 1 November 2010

My first thoughts on reflective practices and journal writing.

'Reflecting' feels like a completely new skills for me. I generally 
don't feel that I naturally have taken the time to reflect on my 
experiences but it's definately something I want to develop.
After talking to a friend on the BAPP course I realised that 
reflection is something I do naturally without thinking about it!
I was extremley encouraged when I read Schon's theory about 
'reflecting in action' and 'reflecting on action'. As a performer and 
dance teacher I am accustomed to reflecting in action on most 
occasions. For example if I'm teaching a class and something is not 
working or the children are not getting the moves I change it there 
and then. I would be unlikely to stick to my lesson plan and then 
reflect later that evening and change the choreography for the 
following week. This is something that i seem to have adopted in most 
areas of my life. Thus making 'reflecting on action' a slightly more 
challenging concept. Journal writing, although extremley benefical in 
consolidating learning has been something I've had to (and continue to) 
work at!
I'm keen to develop the skill of reflection and journal writing and 
for it to be a key part of my learning and development throughout my 
professional practice.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joanna, I completely agree with you that people like you and me who are in the performance industry find reflection in action a lot easier to apply and achieve than reflecting on action. I think that from a young age in our training we are taught to be able to reflect in action to achieve the best possible results by doing this.
