Thursday 30 September 2010

profile review

I'm checking out other peoples profiles and I'm liking what I see!
I had kept profile/'about me' section quite straight to the point,
with very little emotion and not including achievements from college..
Like LAMDA or my ISTD teaching certificates however i have enjoyed
reading profiles that include a sense of passion..for example, why they first
got started in the arts and their aspirations for the future. When reading these
profiles i was inspired to read on...
I'm thinking that if i was an employer i'd like to get a sense of someone's passion
and personality as well as their achievements. Having said this i will make some adjustments
to my profile.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

My First Blog!

So here goes, my first blog! Having never blogged before I was a
little unsure what to say... And of course have that burning question
in my head 'will i have anything to say that people wanna read?!'
Well, I guess we'll find out! Feel free to comment and join me on this
blogging journey!
Induction to BAPP (BA Hons in Professional Practice) 14.09.10

Having looked forward to this course for quite sometime now, I woke up
early on induction day and was raring to go!
As I walked into the university grounds the nerves set in. I even
began to question whether this is really what I should be
doing...unsure about who I'd meet, what the course would consist of
and whether I could cope with studying again after so many years!
However i met some truly lovely people and as we went through the
tasks in the first module I began to feel at ease...
Naturally, I'm a logical thinker... Yes or no, black or white, the
square root of 144 is 12 and in quite a bizarre contrast to my
profession I'm not an expert at creative thinking at all. So I look
forward to stretching the inquisitive and creative side of my brain,
getting to know my new BAPP mates and learning all I can from the
resources and great teachers on this course.
Look forward to hearing about everyone else's first thoughts!