Tuesday 1 November 2011

Chat with Nat...

Natalie Less and I had a phone conversation last week;
The initial purpose of this call was to conduct an interview. After the interview we had a good chat (and verbally critical reflection) about the final module. We spoke about the stage we were at with the Critical Review, the hurdles we've had to overcome, techniques for analysis, the importance of blogging and some general encouragement!
I would definitely recommend phone calls/ skype and email chats with other BAPP members. It's as good as using a SIG!


  1. Hi joanna,
    This is encouraging to hear. I too have found use in bouncing ideas off of fellow colleagues and professionals.
    It is important as they may explore avenues you would not have considered. It's about staying inspired!

  2. Hi Joanna,
    I too found it helpful to discuss some of the problems we have found during this module and share advice on how to solve them!
    It has encouraged me to keep going witht he inquiry and is useful to know that others are experiencing the same problems i.e. sticking to the word count!
    Also, thank you for your interview respnses, they were very helpful!
    I hope your inquiry and writing continuees to go well.
