Wednesday 30 March 2011

My developed thoughts on personal and professional ethics

After exploring a few ethical theories and having various conversations with friends 
and colleagues I have come to believe that ethics lie at the heart of a person.
It is about who you are not just what you do. It is about ones integrity. Integrity is
defined as 'soundness of moral character'
Someone whose ethical core is stable will not be swayed by changing circumstances 
or an opportunity to better themselves. 
I have noticed that in this ever changing and developing world people seem to create
their own rules, their own right and wrong...
I mentioned that I think ethos is about who you are, I also think that there is a big
fat 'WHY' behind what we do in challenging ethical situations. Who will benefit from 
our decision? Does our ethical foundation change with our surrounding and the people a
around. Does it change based on what we can gain from a situation? Are we 'sound' in 
our ethical practice?
I recently watched the film 'Taken' (an incredible movie in my opinion). A mans 
17 year old daughter is kidnapped with the intention of being trafficked as a 
prostitute. His sole objective is to get her back, he probably kills over 50 people
to find her and bring her back to safety. Was this killing unethical? I'd love to hear 
your thoughts...
I think our personal moral compass probably points in slightly different directions, 
whether it be based on what our parents have taught us, culture or our belief system. 
So when it comes to a clash in your professional and personal life in regards to ethics, 
which takes priority? How easy is it to adhere to someone else's ethos when yours may differ?

Developing questions...

I decided that the line of inquiry I was following was too broad and unmanageable.
At first I was intrigued by the way in which children learn, focussing on the theories of Howard Gardner (multiple intelligences), Vygotsky and Montessori schools. I had observed that some of the children in my class who were labelled as 'low ability' or 'below age related' learners actually excelled in other areas. I had wanted to explore how the use of dance and drama in the core subjects of literacy and numeracy could build confidence and enhance learning, by first identifying HOW a child learns (their unique intelligence), could we possibly tailor our teaching to get the best out of them as learners.
Alan directed me to Sir Ken Robinson's report  'Creativity, Culture and Education'. After reading this many other questions have been raised about the creative curriculum in the school in which I work.
Are we aware of the need for creativity within the curriculum?
How do teachers view creativity?
Is there creative teaching happening within our school?
How consistent is this practice amongst the staff?
Are we just teaching creatively or teaching for creativity within children?
How is creative development monitored and assessed?
What are the affects of creative teaching and learning on the development of the childrein our school?
There are a lot of questions arising! Maybe too many for one inquiry. Is anyone follow similar lines of inquiry or have any advice on how to hone in my question.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Task 6a- Survey and Interview

I have just completed a survey using SurveyMonkey! Its quick and easy and i highly recommend it.
If anyone would like to complete it i'd be extremley grateful, is it geared towards those of us who teach and  have previously trained as performers.
The deadline for completing the survey is Friday 1st April 2011.

Also, if anyone is interested in being interviewed (probably over the phone). Please let me know, I'd like to interview someone who teaches dance or drama in two styles, semi-structed and with an open approach.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Award Title

I'd like to propose an award title
BAPP (dance teaching and dance in education)

I have chosen to include dance in education as well as dance teaching as this is the area where I plan to focus my inquiry and am keen to develop in the future.
However I'd like to see the creative curriculum developed within schools, through dance, music, drama and art. Another award title I could propose is;

BA Hons in Professional Practice (Creative Arts in Primary Education).

I have worked for 8 years as a dance teacher both in performing arts schools and various workshops and after school clubs. Alongside this I have worked in a mainstream Primary school in an academic setting and am keen to collaborate my knowledge and explore the positive affects on learning and the learning environment.
Has anyone else thought about their award title? What do you think?